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Note: The CSC list server is has been moved to a new host.
Addresses for subscribing and unsubscribing have changed.
The CSC Listserver

The Cal Sailing listserver is an email discussion list.  A message sent to the list email address is automatically distributed to all the subscribed members of the list.  There are currently about 150 people subscribed to the list.

Due to the large number of "spams" and advertisements sent to the list, the list is a "closed" list.  This means you cannot send a message to the list unless you are a subscribed member.

In general, traffic is light on the list with just a few messages each day.   However, there are periods of lively debate where many email messages are sent each day.  Keep this in mind if you have email limitations.

In the fall of 2000 the CSC list was moved to (now, a free (advertisement supported) web and email based discussion group.  As a result of this move the Announcement Only list has been discontinued.  (The main CSC list had over 200 members where the Announcement list had only a six members.)

You are responsible for subscribing and unsubscribing yourself.  When you subscribe you will receive by email the Rules of the list and instructions how to subscribe and unsubscribe to the list.  Please read these Rules and instructions.

See Listserver Rules to learn how to join the CSC email list.

Revised: 23:13:59 08-Nov-2001 Maintained by CSC Webmaster