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Cal Sailing Club officers

Cal Sailing Club officers run the cooperative, each taking responsibility for one aspect of the club's operations. Each is a voting member of the executive committee, or Ex-Com. They are elected by the membership every six months.



Commodore: Bill Prinzmetal
The commodore is responsible for the smooth overall operation of the club, and acts as the club's spokesperson and representative.

First Vice Commodore: Matthias Roschke
The first vice commodore is responsible for maintaining the club's fleet of dinghies.

Port Captain: Dave Reichmuth
The port captain is responsible for the club's on-shore facilities -- the clubhouse and boatyard -- and for hiring, training and supervising dayleaders for the club's day-to-day operations.

Rear Commodore: Ben Pink
The rear commodore is responsible for the smooth functioning of the club's training of members.

Second Vice Commodore: [help wanted]
The second vice commodore is responsible for maintaining the club's fleet of windsurfing equipment.

Secretary: Karen Huff
The secretary keeps the club's records, including minutes of meetings; and keeps the club's various licenses, registrations and certificates up to date.

Third Vice Commodore: Seth Clark
The third vice commodore is responsible for maintaining the club's fleet of keelboats.

Treasurer: Bernard Bouis
The treasurer is responsible for the all the fiscal activities of the club, such as paying bills and recording and depositing income.

Vice Commodore: Marceline Therrien
The vice commodore is responsible for memberships, publicity, and publication of the club's newsletter, "The Floating Bottle."


Committee Chairs

The Cal Sailing Club has a number of committees (usually of one) that take care of activities that require more involvement or expertise than the ExCom members. The committee chairs are designated by the Commodore.

Baking Chair: Jerry Huff
A reason to never miss a General Membership Meeting.

Banquet chair: Jennifer Kirkland
A gourmet chef who prepares a feast for every General Membership Meeting.

Disability access chair:
Reviews club policies and procedures for compliance with handicap access laws.

Laser and Byte Chair: Malu Lujan
Person responsible for anything that has to do with the laser and byte fleet.

Membership chair: Sypko Andreae
Overseer of the club's membership database.

Motor maintenance chair: Peter Kuhn
Fixes outboards and just about anything else around the place.

Racing Chair: Ed Corbett
Organizes club races and posts results.

Rating Chair: Ed Shirk
The person to know when you want to obtain one of the club's advanced ratings. Rebecca Haussmann is also empowered to give rating tests.

Sail maintenance chair: Peter Bazcek
Lower that jib at the dock, or else...

Social chair: Mika Kitagawa
Runs the barbecues on Open Houses, and organizes the club's social activities.

Windsurfing donation and equipment chair:
Brings life back into old equipment, and coordinates donations from our friends in the Windsurfing business.

Windsurfing locker chair: Ingrid Pulhug
Manages rental of the club's windsurfing lockers. $225/year to store your gear right next to one of the Bay's prime windsurfing areas -- a great deal!

Women's chair: Jolanda de Boer
Coordinates teaching programs for women sailors of all levels, who would like to learn from other female sailors.

YRA liaison: Hester Burn-Callender
Keeps track of the club's YRA associate members. $75/year for YRA or SBRA racing affiliation!


Other Friendly Faces

List Manager: Bill Moseley
Wishes he was sailing. Really!

Webmaster: Bill Moseley
Websurfing != Windurfing


The CSC Listserver

Members of CSC can also communicate with each other by e-mail through the CSC Listserver, which is a lively and informative forum for discussing topics relevant to sailing and Cal Sailing Club.


Address and Phone Number

The club's mailing address is:

Cal Sailing Club
124 University Avenue
Berkeley, California 94710

The Cal Sailing Club does not have a phone. You can contact any of the above officers and chairpersons through e-mail, or you can find them down at the club (usually on windy weekends!).

Revised: 13:54:07 18-Jan-2002 Maintained by CSC Webmaster