Cal Sailing Club officers run the cooperative, each taking responsibility for one aspect of the club's operations. Each is a voting member of the executive committee, or Ex-Com. They are elected by the membership every six months.

- Commodore: Bill Prinzmetal
- The commodore is responsible for the smooth overall operation of the club, and acts as the club's spokesperson and representative.
- First Vice Commodore: Matthias Roschke
- The first vice commodore is responsible for maintaining the club's fleet of dinghies.
- Port Captain: Dave Reichmuth
- The port captain is responsible for the club's on-shore facilities -- the clubhouse and boatyard -- and for hiring, training and supervising dayleaders for the club's day-to-day operations.
- Rear Commodore: Ben Pink
- The rear commodore is responsible for the smooth functioning of the club's training of members.
- Second Vice Commodore: [help wanted]
- The second vice commodore is responsible for maintaining the club's fleet of windsurfing equipment.
- Secretary: Karen Huff
- The secretary keeps the club's records, including minutes of meetings; and keeps the club's various licenses, registrations and certificates up to date.
- Third Vice Commodore: Seth Clark
- The third vice commodore is responsible for maintaining the club's fleet of keelboats.
- Treasurer: Bernard Bouis
- The treasurer is responsible for the all the fiscal activities of the club, such as paying bills and recording and depositing income.
- Vice Commodore: Marceline Therrien
- The vice commodore is responsible for memberships, publicity, and publication of the club's newsletter, "The Floating Bottle."

Committee Chairs
The Cal Sailing Club has a number of committees (usually of one) that take care of activities that require more involvement or expertise than the ExCom members. The committee chairs are designated by the Commodore.
- Baking Chair: Jerry Huff
- A reason to never miss a General Membership Meeting.
- Banquet chair: Jennifer Kirkland
- A gourmet chef who prepares a feast for every General Membership Meeting.
- Disability access chair:
- Reviews club policies and procedures for compliance with handicap access laws.
- Laser and Byte Chair: Malu Lujan
- Person responsible for anything that has to do with the laser and byte fleet.
- Membership chair: Sypko Andreae
- Overseer of the club's membership database.
- Motor maintenance chair: Peter Kuhn
- Fixes outboards and just about anything else around the place.
- Racing Chair: Ed Corbett
- Organizes club races and posts results.
- Rating Chair: Ed Shirk
- The person to know when you want to obtain one of the club's advanced ratings. Rebecca Haussmann is also empowered to give rating tests.
- Sail maintenance chair: Peter Bazcek
- Lower that jib at the dock, or else...
- Social chair: Mika Kitagawa
- Runs the barbecues on Open Houses, and organizes the club's social activities.
- Windsurfing donation and equipment chair:
- Brings life back into old equipment, and coordinates donations from our friends in the Windsurfing business.
- Windsurfing locker chair: Ingrid Pulhug
- Manages rental of the club's windsurfing lockers. $225/year to store your gear right next to one of the Bay's prime windsurfing areas -- a great deal!
- Women's chair: Jolanda de Boer
- Coordinates teaching programs for women sailors of all levels, who would like to learn from other female sailors.
- YRA liaison: Hester Burn-Callender
- Keeps track of the club's YRA associate members. $75/year for YRA or SBRA racing affiliation!

Other Friendly Faces
- List Manager: Bill Moseley
- Wishes he was sailing. Really!
- Webmaster: Bill Moseley
- Websurfing != Windurfing

The CSC Listserver
Members of CSC can also communicate with each other by e-mail through the CSC Listserver, which is a lively and informative forum for discussing topics relevant to sailing and Cal Sailing Club.
Address and Phone Number
The club's mailing address is:
Cal Sailing Club
124 University Avenue
Berkeley, California 94710
The Cal Sailing Club does not have a phone. You can contact any of the above officers and chairpersons through e-mail, or you can find them down at the club (usually on windy weekends!).