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Sailing Links

A variety of sailing/windsurfing-related sites by some CSC members and others.

Some home pages by CSC members

Some Bay Area sailing links

Other sailing related links

  • The latest Racing Rules from the International Sailing Federation
  • Knots on the Web - Want to find out anything about knots? This place has loads of links to knot pages.
  • Animated knots - Can't quite get down how to tie a bowline? This scout troup in the UK has some pretty good animated GIF's of how to tie bowlines, figure eights, and more!
  • Other Sailing Clubs - Yahoo has a vast list of links to sailing clubs, including this one!
  • Current wind conditions on the Bay and Delta, charted graphically on a satellite photo.
  • Ever wonder what the Beaufort Scale is? This page from the National Weather Service in Chicago provides a history of the wind scale, charts and pictures.
  • Tide data updated real time, including nifty Java plots of the data.
  • Regular and marine weather forecasts for the Bay Area can be found at the National Weather Service.
  • Iwindsurf (was: Call of the Wind) provides wind, tide, and current information about many windsurifng locations around North America and Hawaii.  Get a pager that lets you know when it is time to leave work!
  • San Francisco Boardsailing Association is a non-profit organization that addresses concerns of the boardsailing community in the San Francisco Bay Area.  They also maintain a "windtalker" at the Berkeley Marina where you can call and check the current wind conditions.

Comercial Links

  • Berkeley Board Sports, 1601 University. 527-7873, has been a huge supporter of the Windsurfing program at CSC.  Good place for wetsuits and other windsurfing supplies.  Dont't forget to mention you are from CSC and thank them for their support!
  • West Marine, 2200 Livingston St. 532-5230, is a favorite hang out for many CSC members.  A good place for foul weather gear, line, rigging, and just about anything else you can imagine spending your money on.
  • Berkeley Windsurfing, 1601 University Ave. (at California). 843-9283, is another great winsurfing shop.
Revised: 16:46:40 05-Nov-2001 Maintained by CSC Webmaster