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The Cal-Sailing Mailing List

What is the Cal Sailing Club?

The Cal Sailing Club is a non-profit cooperative based on the San Francisco Bay. The club is dedicated to teaching sailing and windsurfing, and providing an inexpensive way for people in the community to enjoy the sports of sailing and wind surfing.

What is the Cal-Sailing list all about?

The Cal Sailing mailing list is an email discussion group open to all members. There is no intended use for the list other than an informal and easy way for members with email access to converse.

On September 29, 2000 the CSC list was moved to (then gobbled up by   This is a free discussion group site that's supported by advertising.  Cal-Sailing will pay a small fee every year to restrict the advertising on our list.

When you send a message to "" your message is automatically mailed to EVERY member currently subscribed to the list.  Please keep that in mind.

The list is, in general, very low traffic.  There are periods of lively debate that may generate ten or more messages a day, but this is unusual.  You are encouraged to use an e-mail program that can filter incoming messages.

How to subscribe or unsubscribe

To SUBSCRIBE send a blank message to:

When you subscribe to the list you will receive a conformation message.  Please carefully read this message. You must reply to this message to complete your subscription.  (This prevents spoofed subscriptions.)

To UNSUBSCRIBE send a message to:

IMPORTANT: You must unsubscribe from the same email address as you subscribed. Is that clear?

Note: This is really simple.  At the bottom of every email are instructions on how to unsubscribe from the list.  Sending an "unsubscribe me" message to everyone on the list is considered really bad form, will make you look silly, and won't get you want you want.  Do it twice and you will be keel-hauled.

How to send a message to ALL the cal-sailing list members

First you must be a subscribed member of the list.  See above for instructions.

Send your message to:

Your message will be forwarded to everyone on the list.

You must be subscribed to the list before you can send a message to the list. (This is called a "closed" list, and this keeps ads and other junk mail off the list.)

Please read on...

Things to keep in mind when using the list

These are the rules - read these and obey!

  1. Never attach long messages, documents, photos, or anything else long to a message. Either post the Web address of the interesting item, or ask people to email you directly for more info.
  2. Don't post "me too", "I agree" or "count me in" messages. People with slow access to their email, or limited work accounts will appreciate it. And when someone obeys rule number 1 above, apply rule number 2 and email them directly to ask for more info.
  3. Please use a descriptive subject in your message. When replying to a message change the subject to reflect the content of the message, if the content of the message has changed from the original message, or if the original poster used a lame subject to begin with.
  4. By default, when you click your "Reply" button you will send a message to EVERYONE on the list. Make sure that's your intention. If your reply is intended to go to one person, please send it directly to that person -- their email address will be in the header of their post. OK?
  5. In the Cal Sailing tradition there is no organized management of the list. You are responsible to subscribe and unsubscribe to the list yourself (see above for instructions).
  6. Remember, not everyone in the club reads the list. Don't consider it an official way of posting an announcement.

PLEASE NOTE: You must unsubscribe from the exact email account that you signed up with (otherwise the list server won't know who you are).

More questions?

If you have any questions about the cal-sailing list contact the list operator at

If you have Web access, please check out the Cal Sailing Home Page at:

Happy Sailing!

List created Aug. 15, 1995

Revised: 23:13:07 08-Nov-2001 Maintained by CSC Webmaster