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Introductory Handbook
for Sailing Boats

KEY CSC RULES FOR JUNIOR SKIPPERS (See Operating Rules Handbook for full text and area maps)

Junior Skippers may take out Lidos, Lasers, and Bytes in the Junior Skipper area. Unless you are a Senior or Cruising skipper, you can take out boats only when the Dayleader is present and the rescue skiff is operational.

To obtain the Junior Skipper rating, you must complete:

  • 2 hours work in addition to the quarterly work requirement for membership
  • a written test from the Dayleader on CSC rules, sailing theory, etc.
  • a Lido rigging and derigging test from an authorized person*.
  • a sailing test from an authorized person on sailing in wind over 10 knots

With a separate checkout from an authorized person, Junior Skippers may take out the Rhodes 19, JY15, and 470 in the Junior Skipper area.

The Novice Skipper rating, primarily granted in winter when the wind is seldom over 10 knots, requires completion of the work, written, and rigging tests for a Junior Skipper rating, plus approval from an authorized person. Novice Skippers may take out Lido 14s to practice sailing only:

  • with explicit permission from the Dayleader.
  • inside the Inner Daysailing Area
  • only when the wind is clearly under 10 knots
  • either single handed or with one other CSC member as crew

No sailing when the wind exceeds 30 knots. Reefing is mandatory when wind speeds exceed 20 knots. Jibs must be lowered at the dock, and mainsails must also be lowered at the dock if the wind exceeds 5 knots.

A maximum of 4 persons is allowed in a Lido 14, 6 in a Rhodes 19, 2 in the JY15 and 470, and 1 in the Laser and Byte (2 in Laser if wind is under 10 knots). The JY15 and 470 require 2 persons minimum.

All boats must be signed out and in, with membership card shown to Dayleader.

Damage must be reported to Dayleader, and noted in log. Skippers must promptly repair any damage that occurs while they are sailing, and may be assessed up to $100 for damage from negligence or violation of CSC rules.

Personal Flotation Devices (CSC lifejackets or Coast Guard approved PFD's) must be worn at all times when away from the dock.

* A Senior or Cruising Skipper or a Jr. Skipper authorized by CSC's ExComm

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